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Roland Thord - Transportation, Traffic Safety and Health : The New Mobility read online book MOBI, PDF, DOC


Minister Ines Uusmann The Swedish Ministry of Transport and Communication The post-industrial society is to a great extent characterized by a tremendous growth in transportation. The freedom to move is a central and fundamental human value. Transportation together with communication are the most important prerequi sites for increasing the level of human interaction and mobility over time and space, giving us the possi bility to seek knowledge, experience and social con tacts. At the same time that mo bility has increased we have also witnessed an associ ated growth in health prob lems. The number of seri ous injuries and fatalities caused by road traffic is un acceptable. Great efforts have been made to reduce these figures and a down ward trend has been visible in most countries over the last 20 years. Still, there re mains lots to be done. VI Minister Ines Uusmann The road transport infrastructure is the least forgiving human machine system used by people today. In Sweden it kills and causes long-term injuries to approximately five percent of the popula tion. In some countries this figure is over twenty percent. Unlike more modem human-machine systems the road system relies upon individuals following norms, laws and rules that are in force. It is taken for granted that people are sensible, careful and always make the right decisions.", Modern society is, to a great extent, characterised by a tremendous growth in transportation -- the freedom to travel is a central and fundamental human value. As mobility has increased so have health problems. The number of fatalities and serious injuries caused by road traffic is unacceptable, and, while a downward trend is visible in most countries, there still remains a lot to be done. This collection of contributions by scientists and administrators presents some of the latest findings in the area of mobility and its relation to medical treatment, rehabilitation, public health and prevention.

Transportation, Traffic Safety and Health : The New Mobility by Roland Thord ebook EPUB, DOC, TXT